Powerful sun safety message a timely reminder for turf industry
Occupational health and safety in the turfgrass industry often conjures images of heavy machinery and dangerous equipment, but as I was reminded last week, sun safety is perhaps the most prevalent cause of tragedy in our industry.
I’m fortunate enough to attend a number of conferences and seminars each year full of valuable content and presentations such as the Australian Turfgrass Conference.
Everyone in attendance at last week’s conference was once again treated to a series of great presentations, with so much to learn, and so many good people to learn from.
But this week more than ever it was the human element that will leave a lasting impression, as I think we saw three of the most courageous presentations you could have the privilege to witness.
Among the speakers were:
- Jo Crotty, mother of 4 young boys, who shared her story of losing her husband Rohan at the age of 43 to melanoma, and is now campaigning to raise awareness in the workplace of the dangers of the sun (www.dangersunoverhead.org.au). Visit this site for some great information.
- Scott Harris, a well known industry identity, shared his experience and the benefits of early detection, and the decision to change his career path as a result.
- Then Malcolm Caddies, Stadium Manager at Suncorp Stadium, left us numb with his recount of the last 12 months that can only be described as harrowing for him and his family, as he has was suddenly confronted with a serious battle with melanoma.
Jo, Scott and Mal, thank you so much for your courage and delivering the wakeup call we all need.
It is a message that everyone in the turf industry must heed by getting ourselves checked regularly and making sure we take care of ourselves and our mates.
Great detection program at the Bedford Medical Clinic on South Road. Check out http://www.molechecks.com.au for technology that catches very early changes.